Institutional Work
Re-Imagine Play/City Loop in City Park
A 14-acre project for City of Denver’s Parks and Recreation. This project is a creation of a new style of play and park use for an underutilized area of City Park.
Arapahoe County Justice Center
Lobby Expansion and Sally Port Improvements
The Arapahoe County Justice Center project added a comprehensive Lobby expansion to handle the current security screen needs for the courts and jail. Additionally the Sally Port was improved to include a new elevator to the existing building and to increase security for the transportation of jail clients. The project included parking, site improvements, grading and drainage.
Denver Water Quality Lab
Latitude 39 is on the team selected to design and construct the new Water Quality Facility to replace the existing facility located at the Marston Treatment Plant. The new facility will include modern lab space, area for future evolving technologies and public outreach space for education and tour purposes.
City and County of Denver – Sam Gary Branch Library at Stapleton
The new Stapleton Library is a Denver Bonds project located at East 29th Drive and Roslyn Street within the Stapleton redevelopment neighborhood. This is an infill project within the Town Center. This project achieved a LEED Gold certification.
CCD Parks and Recreation Dept. – La Alma Pool and Bath House
Prepare demolition plans for the existing 1910 La Alma Pool and Bath House for the Denver Parks and Recreation. The team’s assignment was to design the new La Alma Pool and Bath House. The site is located along the fringe of the 17-acre Denver Housing Authority Lincoln Park redevelopment area. Work included coordination with Denver Parks and Recreation, Denver Wastewater, Denver Water and Right-of-Way.
Army Corps of Engineers – Paving Rehabilitation at
Joe P. Martinez US Army Reserve Center in Denver
This Army Corps of Engineers project in Denver provided Parking Lot Repairs, Paving Rehabilitation and drainage corrections to 6 lots located on the base for a variety of military and civilian vehicles.
Denver Water Caretaker Housing (2 sites)
There were 3 new homes were constructed at two of the Denver Water reservoirs sites for the reservoir caretaker and their families.
Denver Health and Hospital Authority – Parking Lot Rehabilitation (5 lots)
This project provided Parking Lot Repairs, Paving Rehabilitation and drainage corrections to 5 lots located throughout the City of Denver for a variety of facilities owned by Denver Health and Hospital Authority.
Aurora Fire Station #1
Civil Engineering services for existing fire station located on approximately 1.4-acres. The existing building was to be demolished in phases and the new station rebuilt in phases. The site drainage utilized the Urban Drainage methods of porous landscape and concentrated flow controls to accomplish water quality for the site prior to storm water reaching the pond for detention. This water quality method allows for a smaller pond volume and thus a smaller pond footprint for the site.
South Adams Fire Station #7
Commerce City, Colorado - Civil Engineering services for the 0.75-acres site development. Tasks included those associated with site design and consisted of grading, drainage, access, and utilities.
RTD Elati Maintenance Facility
This T-REX based facility sits on a 22-acre site and is used as the primary maintenance facility for 100 light rail cars. The project included coordination with T-REX, City and County of Denver and the City of Englewood. Creative drainage solutions were implemented, as the entire site was required to be at a zero percent slope at the top of rail. This project included a team of 10 sub-consultants and close coordination.
RTD Light Rail Yale and Orchard Stations
Denver and Greenwood Village, Colorado - These T-REX based RTD light rail station projects included coordination with T-REX, the cities and a team of 6 sub-consultants.
Florence Correctional Facility
Florence, Colorado - Redesign and replacement of waterline infrastructure project. Teamed with The Stanley Group to replace the poorly functioning hot
Blair Caldwell African American Library
Denver, Colorado - A 1.5-acre site located in the Five Points neighborhood in the City and County of Denver. In an effort to improve the neighborhood, the project consisted of replacing the existing building with the new African American Research Library. Included with the project was the design of a new parking lot across the alley in an undeveloped portion of land. The design of the new parking lot included grading, alley improvements, as well as the design of two small detention facilities per the City and County of Denver Standard.
Leon A. Whurl Parkway
Erie, Colorado - Prepared schematic design for approximately 4,000 l.f. of Weld County Road 8 from Weld County Road 3 to Weld County Road 1. The crossing of Coal Creek using the existing bridge. This included coordination with the town developers.
East Village Demolition
Denver, Colorado - Prepared demolition plans for the existing East Village project for the Denver Housing Authority. Work included coordination with Denver Wastewater, Water and ROW. Tasks included those associated with Initial Research and Demolition Phase Services.